Big Data
Identify critical value from enormous amount of data
Big Data
High Capacity, High Performance, High Reliability
Case Study

With Spark for computing and HDFS as the unified storage basis, a three-level cache solution consisting of “memory +NVMe SSD+HDD” is adopted. A unified data access, processing and analysis platform is provided with the Spark RDD in-memory computing as the core.

  • The I/O capability and QoS of the cluster can be enhanced significantly

    During the deployment practice, the NVMe SSD and mechanical hard drive are managed in a unified manner through the acceleration engine, to be redeployed and used by distributed software.

  • The capability of random I/O of the cluster can be improved in multiples

    The introduction of the NVMe SSD layer can effectively store small random read/write data blocks, improving the random I/O capability of the cluster by several folds.

  • The overall I/O of the server can be enhanced by 6 folds

    Tests show that if NVMe SSD is used as the log disk of the mechanical hard drive OSD, the overall I/O performance of the server will be improved by up to 6 times compared with a pure mechanical hard drive cluster that does not use any log disk.


The new IT system meets the requirements for both performance and capacity by deploying one or two PBlaze Series NVMe SSDs at each storage node on the basis of maintaining the architecture and application of the current ES logging system.

  • The storage space of single nodes is increased

    The storage capacity dilemma of the ES system is addressed.

  • IOPS is enhanced by multiple times

    A single server node can write 200,000 ES documents per second and the query in several seconds is provided.

  • Requirements for high system performance of the ES logging system is guaranteed.

In order to extract information from videos with EB-level storage, it is necessary to conduct structured extraction of the information of people and vehicles in each camera image to the maximum. By utilizing Hadoop HDFS + Spark cluster storage and analyzing relevant structured data, and using PBlaze Series NVMe SSD to cache structured data indexes, the capacity, performance, reliability, and maintainability are significantly elevated.

  • Capacity and performance are improved in multiple
  • Query and analysis capabilities are enhanced by several folds

    The customer can deal with the data processing and analysis of the system more efficiently with the patent server, and the query and analysis abilities of the overall solution have been improved by multiple folds.

  • The solution is more reliable and easier to maintain.

    SATA SSD of the original server has multiple risks. NVMe SSD not only enjoys sound data protection technology, but also simplifies the system architecture, thereby making the overall solution more reliable and easier to maintain.

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